A promise soon to be fulfilled with Cansu

In September we expect to welcome a new colleague from Turkey back to The Netherlands: Cansu. Having already met her in the Netherlands earlier this year, we agreed that the next meeting will be in The Netherlands as colleagues.

Interviews in The Netherlands

The contact arose after a positive reference from one of the candidates who was in procedure with us. Unfortunately, not every procedure leads to the desired result, but nevertheless we like to maintain good contact for future collaborations. One thing led to another and we were put in contact with Cansu. After an initial conversation online, it quickly became clear that Cansu has the right motivation for us in combination with relevant work experience in the field of QA, CSV and CQV.

After several unsuccessful attempts at potential assignments, the plan was forged to bring her to The Netherlands to conduct on-site interviews. The meetings were positive, with the suitable opportunity still missing. Nevertheless, we promised each other that we would do our best to welcome her to The Netherlands next time as a TailorMinds colleague.

Going for it together

Based on our good contacts and possible opportunities in the Netherlands, we came up with a concept where we hire her without a project. This will make her available to our clients faster and, by a certain time, also in the country. The expectation is that this will result in a suitable project for her sooner. Which one that will be is still the question. Currently there are a number of potential assignments running where we are waiting for feedback and/or interviews.


Could Cansu possibly be a valuable addition to your team in the field of QA, CSV and/or CQV within the pharmaceutical industry? Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.