A retrospective with Tamrin

As a secondment agency, it is a coming and going of colleagues. Where one starts on a project, for another the project may end. In the case of our foreign colleagues, this transition period is usually around two years. How did they experience the transition to the Netherlands and what tips do they give? Our former Project Consultant Tamrin shares her perspectives.

The impression of the Netherlands

I was happy when I arrived in the Netherlands. I was surprised at how green and clean the whole country is. When you go to the municipality, you don’t have to queue to be helped. Everything is computerised and in all government departments where you go, people are so helpful and friendly. Overall, life is so peaceful, there is a physical and mental freedom here that I was not used to.

Cultural differences

There are quite a few cultural differences. South Africans are much more friendly and welcoming to strangers than the Dutch, but once you become friends, the Dutch will help you with everything.

I understand that the Dutch can be a bit aloof, but I don’t let it put me off. I stay friendly and then everyone eventually becomes nice to me.

Life now in the Netherlands as an expat

I experience the Netherlands as very free. It’s hard to describe. Coming from a country where you constantly have to pay attention to your surroundings, it’s incredibly liberating to be able to walk around in the middle of the night with my headphones on, my mobile phone in my hand and my laptop in my backpack, without having to worry that around the next corner there’s someone lurking to rob you.

3 tips to future expats in the Netherlands

  1. People are not quick to make friends, but join groups and you will make new friends that way.
  2. The weather can often be cold and rainy. It really doesn’t bother me, but some people find it annoying. I always say there is no such thing as wrong weather, just wrong clothes. And not being prepared.
  3. Finally, come with a positive attitude! A positive attitude is 90% of the battle. If you have a positive attitude, you can overcome anything life throws at you.


Do you have a dream to come and work in the Netherlands too? Take a look at our expat page for more information. Or contact us.