Consulting candidates in South Africa

Last Thursday, Hans was in Midrand, Johannesburg to meet and talk to new people and people we have known for some time. It was a pleasant day, focusing on personal one on one conversations with a number of candidates who are considering emigrating to, and working in, the Netherlands or have already decided to come to the Netherlands permanently, only the question then is; when?

Better Life?

Hans met in person with candidates. And especially looked at why someone would be willing to leave everything behind to start a new life in another country. At TailorMinds, the added value lies in finding people looking for a better life not only for themselves but also for family and children. As a result, he got to know people personally and also got a better idea of their skills and ambitions. He also discussed what opportunities we can offer with our clients in the Dutch pharmaceutical industry.

What does a better life mean?

In terms of language, the Netherlands may be a good fit for Afrikaans-speaking candidates in particular. But there are other similarities, and it seems that cultures may be very similar and therefore integration in the Netherlands may be easier than integration in other countries. Between the candidates, the differences are in the different starting points of each individual, there are those that are just thinking about it, but there are also those that have everything ready to go. As an experience ‘s expert and South African, Hans was able to have nice open and honest conversations about what it means to uproot yourself from what you are used to and transition to the unknown and new life in the Netherlands. At TailorMinds, we don’t like pies in the sky and to give a false impression about what a new life entails, emigration can be tougher than you think, and you need to be prepared for that.

The Result

As an outcome after such an enjoyable day of interviews, we were positively surprised by the quality and motivation of the candidates Hans spoke to. We put a lot of time into a thorough recruitment and emigration process. We gladly make ourselves available to put that same time into providing useful information to both our relations and potential clients.

Potential client?

Is your business facing an increasing concern in capacity issues? Knowledge migration gives lasting results. It can deliver shorter- but especially longer-term solutions. What we do is thorough people-oriented recruitment, emigration and binding and captivating the right people. Are you interested to know more about the possibilities of recruiting a new colleague for the long term via this route? Then contact us for more information or an appointment.