Successful audits: NEN 4400 and NBBU

Last week at TailorMinds, we had a visit from an auditor from Normec. A double audit was on the programme. Both the shortened NEN 4400 and the NBBU three-year audit were scheduled. Both audits were completed with positive results, a result we are proud of.

NEN 4400

The certificate, which is obtained after a successful audit, provides clients with the assurance that we meet all mandatory remittances to the government. For clients who deal with us, it means that they are safeguarded against risks resulting from the Dutch Chain Liability Act. For our employees, it means that they are part of a company that has properly set up its processes around payroll and that they are not short-changed by the edges of the rules. Finally, in the future, substantial changes are expected in this area due to the expected Wtta Act. This new law is largely based on the NEN 4400 standards framework of Stichting Normering Arbeid. This makes it nice to know that we are on the right track at an interim measurement moment such as this audit.

NBBU collective labour agreement

The second part of the audit dealt with compliance with the NBBU collective labour agreement, which we follow as members. This involves checks on correct scaling in terms of remuneration, anti-discrimination, (social) safety on site at the client, pension payments and correct processing of the hirer’s remuneration. It is great that we have ‘signed up’ for another term as a member of the NBBU, which strives for improvements in terms of a level playing field, good remuneration and being a fully appreciated employer.

Value of these certification marks

Until the Wtta Act is implemented, that level playing field is unfortunately not yet a practice. In our sector, there are still the requisite companies operating that ignore the rules. This bothers employees and, to a lesser extent, the hiring companies. Nevertheless, NBBU (and ABU members) show that both membership of NBBU and the NEN 4400 standardisation can positively make a difference.

Are you a client or candidate looking for a new challenge?

If you are a (potential) client, know that the standards set by NBBU and ABU members give you the greatest guarantee for your (temporary or entry-level) employee. Are you looking for a new challenge? Then know that these labels offer you a high level of security. Would you like to know more about this? Then feel free to contact us!