Welcome to The Netherland Bryce!

Having previously announced Bryce’s planned arrival, last week was the day. After a long and tiring flight from South Africa, Bryce landed safely at Schiphol Airport. He has since started at our relationship as a Validation Engineer.


Bryce continued working in South Africa for some time after our first contact and taking the Dutch language course. We maintained regular contact with him. This was to discuss progress and an upcoming start at TailorMinds. In the meantime, Bryce was given the opportunity to do a number of interviews with our relations. After a positive outcome of one of these interviews, agreement was reached on the start date. Together with Bryce, we planned and discussed when he would come to the Netherlands at the latest. Bryce was well prepared for his upcoming arrival in the Netherlands in terms of completing his course and planning his trip.

 Search for accommodation

Prior to Bryce’s arrival in the Netherlands, we were intensively engaged in finding a suitable home. Again, this proved to be quite a challenge given the current situation in the housing market. As we did not know at that time the location where Bryce would start work, we discussed and looked at several options. After we got agreement on Bryce starting at our relationship, it appeared that we could expand the search. Fortunately, we found a suitable home in a short time that he can move into soon. 

Completion of formalities

By now, a number of formalities have been completed and Bryce has started his new job. However, a number of formalities still need to be finalised including receiving the keys to his new home and registering with the municipality. Once this is settled and Bryce has received his BSN, we can move on to opening a bank account and getting health insurance. But the first positive steps have been taken and we are very confident that Bryce will have a bright future in the Netherlands.


Interested in the opportunities at TailorMinds? Check out our vacancies page and there might be an interesting vacancy for you online. Any questions? Feel free to contact us.