Last Thursday we finally received our Brazilian / Italian colleague Matheus in the Netherlands. The process took longer than expected but it was worth the wait. Through Brazil and Italy, his process to be eligible for work in the Netherlands is complete and he can start working.
Italian nationality
Because of his Italian grandparents, Matheus had the opportunity to apply for an Italian passport in addition to his Brazilian passport. As a brand new European, this means he doesn’t have to go through visa procedures and is entitled to work. For us this was the first time and it differed from our regular procedures at the Dutch Immigration Department (IND).
It could take a while
Together with an external agency that helped Matheus with this particular process, a plan was drawn up with a timeline. The tricky part of this was that the timeline did not have a margin of days, but of months. This made it difficult for us to coordinate with our client when Matheus could actually start.
The first realistic estimate was that Matheus could start work at the end of 2022. It has since become the first of June. For this, we thank both our client and Matheus for their patience and flexibility in this process.
Formalities in the Netherlands
Meanwhile, the first formalities such as signing his lease, registering with the municipality and opening a Dutch bank account have been arranged. Fortunately this all went a lot smoother so Matheus completed most things well before his start date. That gives peace of mind and with it more room to focus on his new project.
We wish Matheus every success with his new challenges in the Netherlands and look forward to a beautiful and long-lasting cooperation.
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