Earlier this year, we reported that our new colleague Cansu was coming to the Netherlands. Last week we were able to welcome her at Schiphol Airport. Cansu was already in the Netherlands earlier this year and we were able to get a good impression of her then. She was also able to have a number of conversations with our relations.
After Cansu signed her contract with TailorMinds and we started the IND procedure, we knew that she would come to the Netherlands in any case. The only question was when. In the meantime, Cansu prepared well, including by taking the ‘Dutch Language’ course. On our side, we set to work looking for a suitable home, a suitable assignment and planning her arrival in the Netherlands. By maintaining regular contact with her, Cansu knew which steps still needed to be taken in the process. Finding a suitable and available home proved to be the biggest challenge.
It should come as no surprise that housing the Netherlands is very difficult at the moment. This was also true for Cansu. Even with external help and responding to numerous houses, we did not seem to get it done. From Turkey, Cansu himself also searched and we kept each other informed of developments. Fortunately, a solution eventually appeared as Cansu was able to respond to a house that became available at the end of last month. This is initially on a temporary basis, but this gives the opportunity to continue looking for a home for a long(er) time. Because of this positive development, we were able to further plan Cansu’s arrival in the Netherlands.
State of affairs
As mentioned in an earlier update, we hired Cansu without already having a project for her. This is because we have confidence in her knowledge and skills, her personality and the positive rapport we have with our relations. Cansu has previously done some interviews online from Turkey. As she was coming to the Netherlands anyway, a number of relations wanted to speak to her in person during a follow-up interview. These talks are ongoing and we expect positive feedback regarding a suitable project in the near future. We have every confidence in that.
Would Cansu possibly be a valuable addition to your team in the field of QA, CSV and/or CQV within the pharmaceutical industry? Or do you have another capacity question you could use assistance with? Feel free to contact us to go through the possibilities.