The tailormade recruitment company

From experience we know that the more our interviewee can be himself, the more we are able to do our work. We ask questions to understand, we listen between the lines and we make no assumptions. So we invite you to be yourself, for surely then you will be at your best.

As soon as we come into contact with each other, it is our goal to be personal, subservient and advisory. Because we do what gives us energy, we are driven. What we want to be recognized for is our craftsmanship and personal approach. During an interview we give feedback and are happy to receive your feedback in return. Equivalence in a conversation is self-evident. What is going on in your mind?

Arjan van Dijk

Business & Process Manager | +31 (0)6 – 26 769 281

The founding of TailorMinds is the result of a quiet dream that never quite went away.

Many conversations between engineers are about the work content, often neglecting to ask how someone is really doing. Facilitating this for engineers and business relations through secondment is what I stand for. The connection this creates gives me energy.

Providing professional advice and contributing to people’s development. That is what drives me. This creates relationships that often lead to an open and long-term collaboration.

This method has been catching on since 2011, I gladly help building new connections which give energy.

Sander Pupella

Operations Manager | +31 (0)6 – 13 140 754

Achieving the best results is what motivates me and for this I commit myself 110%. This drive stems from my top sports history. My way of working is direct, honest and goal-oriented. I can’t guarantee you a job. My commitment, on the other hand, I can.

The goal: connect. At TailorMinds the vision is to combine personality and skills in order to achieve the best match and a real connection.

Peter Debrichy

My motivation is to make the right match, not only on a professional but also on a personal level. A job must offer you the opportunity to develop yourself personally in addition to acquiring new ‘skills’. What conditions are important to you in a new job? I’ll do my very best to help create these for you. I strive for building a relationship for a long time based on trust, honesty and open communication.

Hans de Wit

My goal is to contribute to the personal development of others, realising suitable jobs and emigration support is where I get satisfaction. On a personal and professional level, I strive for long lasting relationships based on shared success, trust and transparency. Since November 2022, I have been working at TailorMinds as a consultant after working for many years as a healthcare consultant in South Africa. Working at TailorMinds tells me that cooperation is a sum of individual expertise and knowledge and I aspire to strengthen the TailorMinds team with my expertise and knowledge.

Tiffany Mesker

Recruitment Support Officer | +31 (0)6 – 57 620 346

I was ready for something new in my career. It quickly emerged that a job within HR/Recruitment suits my needs because of the social aspect. So I completed an evening study MBO HR and started applying for jobs. In addition, the vacancy Recruitment Consultant from TailorMinds came across my path. The application was exciting, but I felt at ease with TailorMinds. Arjan and the team saw potential in me, which resulted in the interim position of Recruitment Support Officer.

As a Recruitment Support Officer I am happy to contribute to the team to help candidates find a new and suitable position. By means of the Basic Training for Temporary Employment Professional and the great collaborations, I am working towards the Recruitment Consultant position.

Corrie van Krimpen

Administrative Assistant | +31 (0)79 – 79 73 610

For several years I have been responsible for the administrative tasks within the organization. I work flexible hours and mainly remote. Nevertheless, we manage to stay closely involved with the organisation.

 The working environment and the conditions are a determining factor for the working pleasure and the goals of the organisation are important for satisfaction in my job. This satisfaction is also in the small things, being satisfied with what you do.

Where I get energy and get satisfaction from is a virtually flawless administration.

Mirjam Papenhove

Commercial Management Assistant | +31 (0)79 – 79 73 610

Since April 2022 I have been working at TailorMinds in Zoetermeer as a Management Assistant. I hope to be able to strengthen the TM Team. I am not unfamiliar with the world of pharmacy. Together with my husband Marcel Papenhove I ran Miniplants B.V. for 10 years, an engineering firm and construction workshop in the pharmaceutical industry in Dordrecht. Here I gained the necessary administrative work experience in matters such as salary and invoicing.

Leonie Meijer

Accounting Assistant | +31 (0)79 – 79 73 610

I completed a business administration course at my previous employer. I have enjoyed performing administrative work within real estate here. Last year I realized that there are more aspects of the financial profession that interested me than just buildings, so I carefully started to orient myself. I came to the conclusion that time registration and remuneration appealed to me. After a successful application, I have been an Accounting Administrative Assistant at Tailorminds since April 2023 and I strive to ensure that remuneration and invoicing run as smoothly as possible.