After an exciting period, Roy’s internship has now been completed. This internship arose from a question as to whether it would be wise to take on a new colleague for tasks that are not primarily part of the consultants’ duties. These tasks are now performed by the consultants. The research carried out focuses mainly on the need for a new internal function and how to shape the position.
Company assignment
The internship assignment was set up as follows: the consultants have noted down by means of timekeeping what their daily activities are and how long they spend doing this. In addition, a subdivision was made between commercial and non-commercial tasks. On the basis of the data, it was concluded that there were sufficient hours and tasks to hire a new colleague.
Next, an internal inventory was made for a vacancy based on Mckinsey’s 7S model. This model shows the qualities and points that a potential employee must meet. Information was gathered from interviews with all internal employees of TailorMinds. This eventually resulted in the vacancy for a commercial management assistant that can now be found online.
Personal goal and further
Besides the business assignment, attention was also paid to a personal goal. This goal was to independently conduct a progress discussion with a colleague at TailorMinds and to achieve an NPS score of nine or higher. This was necessary because Roy wanted to develop himself verbally. This conversation was held and the outcome was a score between eight and nine. Enough to practice! Completion of Roy’s internship: after this training period, it is important to continue with the study and eventually finish it in order to find a suitable job with a company.
Interested in working with or at TailorMinds?
Are you or do you know an intermediate or recruiter who likes to deliver (international) tailor-made work and knows how to make a real connection or are you a commercial acting and thinking (management) assistant, feel free to contact us.