Quarterly meeting in the new composition

Last Wednesday we held our quarterly meeting at the office. Besides an update of the results, it was mainly a moment of looking back, reflecting and looking forward. This time we met in the new composition with colleagues Mirjam and Tiffany who joined TailorMinds in the past quarter.


When things are going well, you must not forget to enjoy. That’s why we had some goodies with the coffee, a well served lunch and we dwelled on last week’s summer barbecue that we looked back on with a good feeling. The results of TailorMinds are excellent. Our two biggest challenges for the second half of the year are to make sure that we continue to help our clients with their capacity challenge and at the same time avoid getting too busy.

Fickle market

Thanks to our marketing strategy, we hardly need to recruit ourselves at the moment. The majority of our new colleagues for our clients come in through open or targeted applications or through our network. On the other hand, it is very challenging to find colleagues for our internal job openings. One explanation for this is that many of the aforementioned colleagues for our clients come from outside the Netherlands; for the internal roles, knowledge and experience in the Dutch labor market is a mandatory. You could say that it is a fickle market.

Interested in working with or at TailorMinds?

We will certainly not throw in the towel with this knowledge and keep searching until we are at full strength. Are you or do you know an intermediary or recruitment consultant who likes to deliver (international) tailor-made solutions and who knows how to make a real connection? Then feel free to contact us.