
Welcome Matthew

Last week we welcomed Matthew to The Netherlands. After his application last year, we had a first introductory meeting via Skype. This is because Matthew was still living in South Africa at that time. In the following discussions the options were discussed, including the expected income and the associated financial new situation. The move to The Netherlands was also discussed. Once we agreed, we started looking specifically within our network.


After two good conversations with a prominent consultancy firm, we got a go for the start of Matthew. With this everything could be put into operation. Most formalities have been arranged last week. Think of a rental contract and municipal registration. As a result, we make sure that Matthew is able to focus with full attention on his new challenge as a Pharmaceutical Consultant. This because he has no worries about the sum of things to be arranged. We wish him every success with all the projects!


Are you curious about the possibilities as an Engineering Consultant within the pharmaceutical industry via ProjectKwadraat? Then contact us.