Welcome to the Netherlands Preanca

Last Friday morning, on a nice cool summer day, Preanca arrived at Schiphol Airport. Preanca arrived with the goal of taking up her new role as Validation Engineer in the Dutch pharmaceutical manufacturing sector. TailorMinds has been recognized by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) and is providing Preanca with the necessary work permit. We gave her a warm welcome at Schiphol Airport. Fortunately Preanca arrived on time and safely, as there is still a allot to do before she starts working at one of our relations next week.

First moments

Upon arrival, we took Preanca to her new home, where she had the opportunity to recover from the trip. TailorMinds organized the familiarization process, which includes everything from municipal registration to opening a bank account. Here we leave little to chance, after all, a “soft landing” is the beginning of a smooth migration process. This environment allows her to fully focus her attention on her upcoming tasks.


The days that follow will unfold as a carefully planned introduction to her new professional environment, where the client will facilitate an orientation in her new environment. This transition means not only a professional advancement, but also an opportunity to unleash her potential, working with TailorMinds as a Validation Engineer in the pharmaceutical sector, will be an impetus in her professional and personal development. We look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration with Preanca.

Soos mens in Afrikaans se: “Alles van die Beste Preanca!”

Personal Development

At TailorMinds, the person is central. We like to invest in the personal development of our colleagues in the pharmaceutical industry. We focus on understanding and meeting the diverse needs of our team members and beyond. If this premise appeals to you and if you believe your Professional Skills match any of our job opportunities, we cordially invite you to connect with us.