Dummies op training bij edublab

Dummies at Edulab automation training

Last Tuesday Dexter and Sander visited Actemium in Veghel to follow an introduction training in the field of process automation. Also called ‘automation for dummies’. An interesting training in which theory and practice were linked by coordinator Ard Hendrikson. Issues such as different types of regulations, heights of levels and types of processes were discussed. Then the task of the dummies to try it out in the Edulab of Actemium. For example, we controlled an Xorter and gave orders to valves and pumps in a process installation through a SCADA system.

SCADA dummies

From the many conversations with engineers we learn a lot about what happens in the workplace. And what the keywords mean. Actually putting the work into practice has given us better insights which we can use ourselves. For example a better understanding of where our candidates are in this process. Or better connecting the candidate to a customer. Are you interested in job openings in the field of process automation? Take a look at our vacancies.