Today at TailorMinds we had a visit (at an appropriate distance) by an auditor from Normec. TailorMinds has again successfully passed this NEN4400 six-monthly audit.
For clients
Normec is one of the parties that conducts NEN4400 audits on behalf of the Stichting Normering Arbeid (SNA). The certificate obtained after a successful audit of the NEN4400 standard offers clients the assurance that we comply with all mandatory payments to the government and that clients who act with us are indemnified from risks as a result of the chain liability law.
For our employees
What is mentioned less often, but is a positive consequence, is that employees also benefit from this. No company is perfect, sometimes an unintended mistake is uncovered. Such a mistake is immediately corrected which is usually to the benefit of our employee.
For ourselves
An audit keeps us focused on our processes and their follow-up, audits also help us to keep up with current regulations as well as to improve our processes. A classic win-win-win situation.
Are you a client yourself?
Do you want to know more about this, or are you a client and curious if we can do something for each other? Then feel free to contact us!