Werner and family arrived in the Netherlands

On Wednesday we welcomed Werner and his family in the Netherlands. One of our clients asked us to guide some of their new foreign colleagues in the process of coming to the Netherlands. Among them Werner.

Start of the process

After we were asked by our relation for the guidance, we contacted Werner. It turned out that we could accompany him in the visa procedure for a highly skilled migrant and the procedures for his family. Fortunately Werner had already arranged all the necessary documents including apostilles so the applications could be submitted almost immediately with a positive result: approvals for their visas.

In the meantime, the search for a house was on with the help of Expat House Hunters. With the current housing shortage this was again a challenge. In the end, there was a positive response to their interest in a house near his new employer. Since the house is not available until July 1, a temporary accommodation was arranged.

Arrival in the Netherlands

Wednesday was the day of arrival where we had two cars ready to transport the family and luggage. Now it is a matter of arranging the most important formalities such as the residence permits, BSN and a bank account before Werner starts 1 July as Lead CAD Engineer. The appointments have been scheduled and the residence permits were picked up yesterday. We will assist the family with many steps in the coming period to make sure they can continue their lives ‘independently’ in the Netherlands as soon as possible.


Curious about the further details of the support from TailorMinds for both local and international engineers? Or are you curious about possible emigration trajectories? Feel free to contact us and we will gladly look into the possibilities together.